Part-A (2-MARKS)
1. What is the purpose of presentation graphics?
2. Define refresh buffer/frame buffer.
3. What is pixel?
4. Define aspect ratio.
5. What is Output Primitive?
6. What is DDA?
7. What are the disadvantages of DDA algorithm?
8. What is attribute parameter?
9. What is the basic line attributes?
10. What is meant by aliasing?
11. Define Translation.
12. Define Rotation.
14. Define Reflection.
15. Define Shear.
16. Define Window.
17. Define view port.
18. What is viewing transformation?
19. Define Clipping.
20. What are the types of Clipping?
Part-B (16-MARKS)
1. Explain the basic concept of Midpoint ellipse algorithm. Derive the decision parameters for the algorithm and write down the algorithm steps. (16)
2. Explain two dimensional Translation and Scaling with an example. (16)
3. Obtain a transformation matrix for rotating an object about a specified pivot point. (16)
4. Explain DDA line drawing algorithm. (16)
5. Explain the steps in midpoint ellipse drawing algorithm. (16)
6. What is polygon clipping? Explain Sutherland-Hodgeman algorithm for polygon (16)
7. Explain about socket, connect, bind, listen and accept functions. (16)
8. Consider a triangle ABC whose coordinates are A[4,1], B[5,2], C[4,3]
a. Reflect the given triangle about X axis. (4)
b. Reflect the given triangle about Y-axis. (4)
c. Reflect the given triangle about Y=X axis. (4)
d. Reflect the given triangle about X axis. (4)
9. Explain Sutherland Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm. Explain the (16)
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Disadvantage of it and how to rectify this disadvantage.
10. Explain Two Dimensional Viewing. (16)
11. Explain Bresenham’s Line Drawing Algorithms.
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Part-A (2-MARKS)
1. Categorize the 3D representations?
2. What Boundary representation?
3. What space-partitioning representation?
4. What is Blobby Object?
5. What is projection?
6. What are the types of projection?
7. What is parallel projection?
8. What is Perspective projection?
9. What is chromaticity?
10. Define Color model..
11. What are the uses of chromaticity diagram?
12. What is HSV model?
13. what for CMY color model used?
14. What are the parameters in the HLS color model?
15. Define Computer animation.
16. What are the steps in animation sequence?
17. How frame-by-frame animation works?
18. What is morphing?
19. What are the methods of motion specifications?
Part-B (16-MARKS)
1. Explain 3D basic transformation with an example. (16)
2. Design a storyboard layout and accompanying key frames for an animation (16)
3. How to specify objects motion in an animation system. (16)
4. Derive the 3D transformation matrix for rotation about
(i) an arbitrary axis (8)
(ii) an arbitrary plane (8)1X.Aim for high dot blogspot dot com
5. Explain RGB, CMY, YIQ and YUV color models. (16)
6. Brief about select function and shut down functions. (16)7. Explain the properties of B spline. How it is differ from Bezier? (16)
8. How to represent an object on 3D scene? (16)
9. Explain three dimensional geometric and modeling transformations. (16)
10. Explain three dimensional Viewing and Functions. (16)
11. Draw the CIE chromaticity diagram and explain. (16)
12. Explain different types of color model in detail. (16)
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